ESPM Career Writing Panel and Student Organizers Spring 2019

ESPM planners
From left to right: Marcelo Montero, Maria Montero, Katie Pratt, Amanda Kueper, Bridget Robertson, Ziwei Guo

ESPM Student Reflections

Maria Montero (Environmental Science, 2021): Be a conscious writer by rereading, editing, and asking others to edit work …(read more from Maria)

Bridget Robertson (Policy, Planning, Law, and Society, 2021): Next time your professor assigns an essay, reflection, or lab report, think of it as career readiness …(read more from Bridget)

Ziwei Guo (Corporate Environmental Management, 2019): I hope more events like this would be held on campus. (read more from Ziwei)


Marcelo Montero
President, Salt
Cargill Inc. 

Dr. Katie Pratt
Director of Public Engagement
MN Environmental Quality Board

Amanda Kueper, M.S.
Applied Science Coordinator
MN DNR, Forestry Division