Bridget Robertson

ESPM Student, Policy, Planning, Law, and Society, Class of 2021

Bridget Robertson

The mark of a “good writer” goes beyond attaining A’s in college. Becoming a standout writer in the professional world requires resilience, persistence, and patience. Hearing from Katie Pratt of the MN Environmental Quality Board, Marcelo Montero of Cargill, and Amanda Kueper of the DNR, reinforced the need for college students to get vulnerable in the writing process in order to enter the work-force ready to write for the real world. One of the key tips they shared during the panel discussion was to seek out revisions from your professors. The University of Minnesota offers a host of writing support, it is up to us as students to take advantage while we can. Professors provide incredible insights and will breakdown your writing in order to build it up stronger and better. Having strong writing skills is an incredible asset in the work-place and can make you stand out as a candidate. Save some of your favorite works from your undergraduate career to offer as writing samples. Developing strong writing skills is a lifelong process, it requires time, intentionality, and lots of practice. Next time your professor assigns an essay, reflection, or lab report, think of it as career readiness training and take the opportunity to broaden your writing portfolio.